Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I'm Becoming a Shake-O-holic!

When I asked my coach about Shakeology and how did she like it, I laughed when she said that she and her sister-in-law had dreams every night about how they were going to blend their shakes the next day. I thought, come on, the stuff can't be that good. Then I got my own supply about a week ago, and I too have been hooked! I've been blending different ingredients in my chocolate Shakeology, everything from bananas, cherries, strawberries, and coffee, with rice milk and different flavored yogurts. It really is like drinking a dessert, and it's hard to believe that there are all these healthy ingredients in the one glass!

Not only am I hooked on the flavor, I see and feel the difference just after a week. I noticed Sunday that the fat pouch I've had on my stomach for the last ten years had gone down, and for the first time in ten years when I lay down, my stomach went down nearly flat! I had to keep poking it to make sure it was my stomach, but I could see a change when I looked in the mirror. I still have more to lose, which is why I decided to do the 3 Day Cleanse with Shakeology. I figured it will be a good way to jump start my foray back into my modified diet plan and exercise schedule. The purpose of the cleanse is to detox your system, boost your metabolism, regulate your digestive system to absorb nutrients more efficiently, and best of all, reduce belly bloat and help you drop pounds and inches. Now that I'm enjoying experimenting with the different flavor combinations I can have with the shakes, I am looking forward to doing the cleanse.

I'll admit that I was skeptical about the claims of how great Shakeology is. But after using it I have to admit that I do have more energy, the shakes fill me up, and now that I'm seeing positive results, I'm glad I found it and I don't mind telling people about something that works. Of course, the only way you'll know how well it can work for you is to try it for yourself.

It's not magic, and in order to reap max benefits you need to use it daily in conjunction with other healthy food choices and at least some moderate exercise at least three times a week. You'll be amazed what may happen to your body, especially if you are one of those people who likes instant gratification. And there's nothing more gratifying than seeing your body change, and being able to do something as mundane as walk from your car to your office without losing your breath or dragging to the door. I know what that feels like, and I definitely like how I feel now!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Who Doesn't Have A Food Vice?

I was blending a cherry and chocolate smoothie last night, when my son lays on his words of wisdom: "How you gonna be eating and promoting this "healthy stuff" when you still eat candy every day?" I tried to reason it away, but he wouldn't buy my arguments. I have to admit, he's right, but I don't want to admit it because I like my candy!

Yep I have a food "vice" and mine is Wintergreen Lifesavers candy. I love'em and can't live without them. It's the only junk food I eat, almost like an addiction. I don't eat chips or cake or anything else, just gotta have some candy. And yes, it does fly in the face of my healthy eating makeover. How can I keep eating candy if I'm trying to set the healthy eating example by drinking my Shakeology shakes and trying to stick to a workout plan? Doesn't that make me a walking contradiction?

In reality, you can maintain a healthy diet and still have a little vice here and there, as long as it's not binge eating, and as long as it's just that - here and there. Sparse. In my case with the candy, it's a trigger food for me and I just can't eat a few and be happy. Eating one will lead to eating way too many, and that's not part of my plan. So I know I'm going to have to go cold turkey and stop eating them once and for all. Boo hoo! I'm starting my Shakeology 3 day cleanse next week, and I won't be able to eat anything sweet anyway for that period, so that will be the perfect time to purge the candy taste from my tastebuds.

Will I survive in a world without my Wintergreen Lifesavers? They were my only joy, my little escape, my treat for a hard day of work, that minty fresh taste tickling my tongue. Can I let go of treat I have enjoyed for decades? We'll see how next week goes!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

I'm Drinking My Way To Happiness!

I decided to do a detox to kick-off my fall weight loss program after doing some research on a new product I found. When I joined Team Beachbody, I saw links to this new meal replacement drink called Shakeology. So I started reading about it and it sounded good, but of course I was wondering about the taste. I read some of the other members' message board comments, and the majority were positive. I also talked to my Team Beachbody coach, and she said she loves the stuff, and can't wait to drink it each day.

I've used meal replacement shakes before, in fact that was a key to helping me lose the 40 pounds I dropped. I got Lean Shake from GNC, and I drank that once or twice a day, along with a balanced dinner. It was good, and I blended it with Crystal Light to change the flavor. I also tried the Special K chocolate shake, which was also tasty. So I know the shakes do work, and they had a good deal of nutrients in them. I checked the ingredients in this Shakeology after reading about all the health benefits, and none of the shakes I used could compare to this stuff - it has over 70 ingredients to help your digestive system, boost your energy, boost your immune system, and help you lose weight. People were talking about how they lost weight drinking it once a day and they weren't even trying to lose!

I ordered it, and the package came yesterday. I read everything that was in the box, because the shake mix comes with recipe cards and two work-out videos. I grabbed a packet and headed to the kitchen for the moment of truth - the meeting of the shake with my discerning taste buds. I mixed the chocolate pak with water to taste it alone first, and it wasn't bad, very thick and chocolate. Then I added some banana and lowfat milk, and that was the bomb! I drank half of the mixture right then, saving some for my breakfast this morning. Now I've got a whole list of things I want to try mixing with it.

Now I'm really looking forward to doing this detox next week. I also watched the workout videos,and I'm all fired up to get started exercising again. I decided to get the Turbo Jam video series after watching the product video. It looks like a lot of fun, and I love a good video workout. I'm getting fired up about getting this fall plan rolling, and getting these last pounds off me. I'll be shaking my shakes and shaking my butt all the way to that size 10!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Yo-Yo Stops Here!

Yup, I admit it. I've been up and down on the scale and lost enough weight over the course of my nearly 49 years to fill Wrigley Field. But now that I'm about to hit the mid-century mark in just one year, I decided that there can't be any more yo-yoing. I need my healthy fit body back, and I'm going to die reclaiming it! A drastic plan for drastic times!

I actually don't have that much farther to go to reach my ultimate goal of a size ten. This spring, I finally worked up enough motivation (I bombarded my eyes with pictures of toned and tanned fitness models, until I just couldn't bear to look at my fat belly anymore)to finally start back exercising again, and revamp my dietary habits.

I had been off the wagon for 10 years, the last time I was a decent size was before the birth of my last child. I finally got tired of being tired, weighed down by all the unnecessary and annoying pounds. I got tired of huffing and puffing from walking a half block, got tired of my daughter jiggling the fat on my arms, and most of all, I got tired of shopping in the Plus Size sections. Ugh!

So finally, I got my mind together, because make no mistake about it, when you get ready to conquer your fat you have to have your head totally on board. I would read my fitness magazines and go in my basement and look at my exercise bike, visualizing what it would be like to ride it again. And then it happened. I bought some workout clothes, started a new eating plan, and I went down and got ON the bike! Didn't just look at it, I actually rode it for at least 10 minutes. It was hard at first, and I did huff and puff a bit, but I was determined to stay on.

I rode a bit longer each day until I worked my way up to a half hour. I felt like I won the lottery! And the huffing and puffing was going away, giving way to me pushing myself to ride faster and harder. Within a couple of weeks, I noticed something amazing - my size twenty clothes started to get loose! That encouraged me to ride even more and stay away from the junk foods I had polluted my blood stream with.

That brings me to the here and now - down to a size 14 from that awful size 20! It wasn't easy, but I feel and look much better, and I got to buy all new clothes, especially after my fiance complained that my pants looked way too baggy. I have a shape again, but it ain't over yet, because I have more weight to lose. I have the type of metabolism that will pick up weight if I even think about food, unless I exercise at least three times a week. But of course, I fell off the wagon again.

This summer was way too hot, 90's almost daily, and I live in the Midwest. I workout at home, and my house has no air conditioning. A hot house plus me trying to exercise = me on the floor gasping for air. So I quit the exercise, but I did continue to try to keep my eating plan in place. Well, almost. So now that fall is here, I'm getting back on the wagon and getting my butt in gear. If you've ever gone through the blood, sweat and tears of losing weight, you know where I'm coming from.

To jump start my workout program again, I'm getting ready to do a three day detox program. By Thanksgiving I want to be posing for pictures, instead of hiding from the camera!