Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I'm Becoming a Shake-O-holic!

When I asked my coach about Shakeology and how did she like it, I laughed when she said that she and her sister-in-law had dreams every night about how they were going to blend their shakes the next day. I thought, come on, the stuff can't be that good. Then I got my own supply about a week ago, and I too have been hooked! I've been blending different ingredients in my chocolate Shakeology, everything from bananas, cherries, strawberries, and coffee, with rice milk and different flavored yogurts. It really is like drinking a dessert, and it's hard to believe that there are all these healthy ingredients in the one glass!

Not only am I hooked on the flavor, I see and feel the difference just after a week. I noticed Sunday that the fat pouch I've had on my stomach for the last ten years had gone down, and for the first time in ten years when I lay down, my stomach went down nearly flat! I had to keep poking it to make sure it was my stomach, but I could see a change when I looked in the mirror. I still have more to lose, which is why I decided to do the 3 Day Cleanse with Shakeology. I figured it will be a good way to jump start my foray back into my modified diet plan and exercise schedule. The purpose of the cleanse is to detox your system, boost your metabolism, regulate your digestive system to absorb nutrients more efficiently, and best of all, reduce belly bloat and help you drop pounds and inches. Now that I'm enjoying experimenting with the different flavor combinations I can have with the shakes, I am looking forward to doing the cleanse.

I'll admit that I was skeptical about the claims of how great Shakeology is. But after using it I have to admit that I do have more energy, the shakes fill me up, and now that I'm seeing positive results, I'm glad I found it and I don't mind telling people about something that works. Of course, the only way you'll know how well it can work for you is to try it for yourself.

It's not magic, and in order to reap max benefits you need to use it daily in conjunction with other healthy food choices and at least some moderate exercise at least three times a week. You'll be amazed what may happen to your body, especially if you are one of those people who likes instant gratification. And there's nothing more gratifying than seeing your body change, and being able to do something as mundane as walk from your car to your office without losing your breath or dragging to the door. I know what that feels like, and I definitely like how I feel now!

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