Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Yo-Yo Stops Here!

Yup, I admit it. I've been up and down on the scale and lost enough weight over the course of my nearly 49 years to fill Wrigley Field. But now that I'm about to hit the mid-century mark in just one year, I decided that there can't be any more yo-yoing. I need my healthy fit body back, and I'm going to die reclaiming it! A drastic plan for drastic times!

I actually don't have that much farther to go to reach my ultimate goal of a size ten. This spring, I finally worked up enough motivation (I bombarded my eyes with pictures of toned and tanned fitness models, until I just couldn't bear to look at my fat belly anymore)to finally start back exercising again, and revamp my dietary habits.

I had been off the wagon for 10 years, the last time I was a decent size was before the birth of my last child. I finally got tired of being tired, weighed down by all the unnecessary and annoying pounds. I got tired of huffing and puffing from walking a half block, got tired of my daughter jiggling the fat on my arms, and most of all, I got tired of shopping in the Plus Size sections. Ugh!

So finally, I got my mind together, because make no mistake about it, when you get ready to conquer your fat you have to have your head totally on board. I would read my fitness magazines and go in my basement and look at my exercise bike, visualizing what it would be like to ride it again. And then it happened. I bought some workout clothes, started a new eating plan, and I went down and got ON the bike! Didn't just look at it, I actually rode it for at least 10 minutes. It was hard at first, and I did huff and puff a bit, but I was determined to stay on.

I rode a bit longer each day until I worked my way up to a half hour. I felt like I won the lottery! And the huffing and puffing was going away, giving way to me pushing myself to ride faster and harder. Within a couple of weeks, I noticed something amazing - my size twenty clothes started to get loose! That encouraged me to ride even more and stay away from the junk foods I had polluted my blood stream with.

That brings me to the here and now - down to a size 14 from that awful size 20! It wasn't easy, but I feel and look much better, and I got to buy all new clothes, especially after my fiance complained that my pants looked way too baggy. I have a shape again, but it ain't over yet, because I have more weight to lose. I have the type of metabolism that will pick up weight if I even think about food, unless I exercise at least three times a week. But of course, I fell off the wagon again.

This summer was way too hot, 90's almost daily, and I live in the Midwest. I workout at home, and my house has no air conditioning. A hot house plus me trying to exercise = me on the floor gasping for air. So I quit the exercise, but I did continue to try to keep my eating plan in place. Well, almost. So now that fall is here, I'm getting back on the wagon and getting my butt in gear. If you've ever gone through the blood, sweat and tears of losing weight, you know where I'm coming from.

To jump start my workout program again, I'm getting ready to do a three day detox program. By Thanksgiving I want to be posing for pictures, instead of hiding from the camera!

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