Thursday, October 14, 2010

I'm Drinking My Way To Happiness!

I decided to do a detox to kick-off my fall weight loss program after doing some research on a new product I found. When I joined Team Beachbody, I saw links to this new meal replacement drink called Shakeology. So I started reading about it and it sounded good, but of course I was wondering about the taste. I read some of the other members' message board comments, and the majority were positive. I also talked to my Team Beachbody coach, and she said she loves the stuff, and can't wait to drink it each day.

I've used meal replacement shakes before, in fact that was a key to helping me lose the 40 pounds I dropped. I got Lean Shake from GNC, and I drank that once or twice a day, along with a balanced dinner. It was good, and I blended it with Crystal Light to change the flavor. I also tried the Special K chocolate shake, which was also tasty. So I know the shakes do work, and they had a good deal of nutrients in them. I checked the ingredients in this Shakeology after reading about all the health benefits, and none of the shakes I used could compare to this stuff - it has over 70 ingredients to help your digestive system, boost your energy, boost your immune system, and help you lose weight. People were talking about how they lost weight drinking it once a day and they weren't even trying to lose!

I ordered it, and the package came yesterday. I read everything that was in the box, because the shake mix comes with recipe cards and two work-out videos. I grabbed a packet and headed to the kitchen for the moment of truth - the meeting of the shake with my discerning taste buds. I mixed the chocolate pak with water to taste it alone first, and it wasn't bad, very thick and chocolate. Then I added some banana and lowfat milk, and that was the bomb! I drank half of the mixture right then, saving some for my breakfast this morning. Now I've got a whole list of things I want to try mixing with it.

Now I'm really looking forward to doing this detox next week. I also watched the workout videos,and I'm all fired up to get started exercising again. I decided to get the Turbo Jam video series after watching the product video. It looks like a lot of fun, and I love a good video workout. I'm getting fired up about getting this fall plan rolling, and getting these last pounds off me. I'll be shaking my shakes and shaking my butt all the way to that size 10!

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